画質 高画質

Entaro says…"To be the coolest hero in the world like Lou-Jutsu!"
Without him, the formation of the ninja turtles, a team of heroes, would not have been possible. He always fails when he tries too hard, but his honest words are never false!🐢❤️🔥

9 38

I'm currently working on creating an original character
that anthropomorphizes me as an animal,

though it's still in a rough draft stage.

I'm aiming for a friendly and approachable design
that would make collaborations with other artists possible.

25 254

【Deviantart】 A test to combine as many things I like as possible. Small breasts, mommy, shoes, white socks, etc.
This year I want to be more sensitive to my own fetish! :3

0 13

Thank you to all the vtubers, convention staff, and customers around the world that make luwud possible. Look forward to the store reopening tomorrow with new items and merch previously unavailable online!
Let's all start 2025 with a bang!! https://t.co/15MpZQy25n

11 128

Promo Chara 2
I adapt the characters to my style but I want to respect the anatomy of the original design as much as possible.

2 24

Let me draw an illustration for you!🫶✨
I’ll carefully and passionately bring your favorite character to life!
I can also dress up existing characters in your ideal outfit.
Couple illustrations are also possible.
Be sure to check the VGen link in my bio!🥰

7 28

Good morning and welcome to my account for the new followers, especially patriotic Americans.

You guys are unbelievable, in every good way possible.

"WARLORD HOUSEWIFE" is now in the making. A slice of life romcom action manga about a Kitsune Warlord and her American Family

61 944

This is the 10月 collection, including uncensored jpg. The download link will be open for 7 days, so please download it as soon as possible.
please go to the profile for links.

68 1103

This is the 9月 collection, including uncensored jpg and psd. The download link will be open for 7 days, so please download it as soon as possible.
please go to the profile for links.

22 478

EMERGENCY COMMS 5 slots open!

Had to repost. My pc suddenly broke down while I was at school. Had to get it fixed as soon as possible.

19 73

Please make your request as soon as possible.

5 49

Hi guys, I'm looking to get a Vgen code. I need 20 RT and 100 likes. Is it possible...?

83 900

This is the 8月 collection, including uncensored jpg and psd. The download link will be open for 7 days, so please download it as soon as possible.
please go to the profile for links.

31 669

I was encouraged by your warm messages! Thank you!
I will do my best to deliver the game to you all as soon as possible.

0 16

Buat cewek, jadi fans -bllk itu artinya goodbye dgn semua cowok asli. I mean, gmn caranya seorang naksir sama cowok biasa, kalo di waktu yg sama juga naksir Isagi? Rin? Impossible.

Dan itu blm termasuk ngadepin Reo, pewaris Mikage Corp.

96 478

This is the 7月 collection, including uncensored jpg and psd. The download link will be open for 7 days, so please download it as soon as possible.
please go to the profile for links.

26 732


I will work on this now and plan to post the English translation as soon as possible.



17 62

RT추첨 한분께 원하시는 굿즈 보내 드립니다!
[A149] 부스 7월 서코 (7코) 통판 폼입니다!
많은 관심 부탁드립니다✨️
For overseas, G.O order is possible. Please DM seperately. Thank you😚


135 154

'for my kind, hope does not lie in notion of the impossible. but in appreciation of the unattainable. it's impossible for me to feel physical sensations. so I just want them even more! it's so simple.'

1 26