When we made this chair and I was using the prototype in our home, I really felt like it was another person in the room that I was spending some time with. The Mogul Ski Chair available only by advance order at Postalco Shops. Until July 3, 2022. https://t.co/p9vkWq3uZ3

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Our yearly calendar postcard is included with every web or in store purchase. While supply lasts. https://t.co/5FxfLHWHks

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Why do we make so few sizes?
We pattern our clothing to fit as many bodies as we can. Less size variation also means less wasted fabric and less overproduction. https://t.co/4tyL2zYuRk

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We designed a cafe in Nakano. Introducing LOU. Open from today. Early concept drawing by Mike Abelson.

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I wondered, why do I only write on the top half of the page in small notebooks? When the cover is folded back on this notebook, it sticks out on the bottom giving the hand an edge to rest on. photo: Jason Fulford. styling: Tamara Shopsin

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The Mogul Ski Chair is made with ecologically sourced oak and chestnut. We combined oak for strength and chestnut for lightness. The Mogul Ski Chair available only by advance order at Postalco Shops. Until July 28, 2019. https://t.co/Se3xPAHNbi

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ポスタルコ京橋店では6月25日(火)から掛井五郎氏の作品の展示販売を行います。「作品を創るということは自分の存在を知るための活動である」と語る同氏が89歳を迎えた現在も精力的に制作している紙筒の作品を中心に、過去の彫刻や版画も展示致します。 https://t.co/lKduEf8g2B

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“To create work is an activity to know your own existence.”
Goro Kakei’s exhibition will open starting Tue, Jun 25th at the Postalco Kyobashi shop. His recent works using paper tubes, past sculptures, and prints will be available. https://t.co/lKduEf8g2B

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We're making a new Red color Mogul Ski Chair. From a distance they have the calm feeling of a single color fabric, but as you get closer elegant color contrasts emerge. https://t.co/Se3xPAHNbi

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Our online and Kyobashi shops are open starting today.
本日よりPostalco京橋店、オンラインショップの営業を開始致しました。本年もよろしくお願い致します。 https://t.co/V1aqVfwK4s

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この椅子を作ったとき、家でプロトタイプを使ってたんだけど、いっしょに暮らしている誰かが部屋にいるような気持ちで見ていた。モーグルスキーチェアのご注文期間は2018年12月25日(火)までです。 https://t.co/Se3xPAHNbi

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When we made this chair and I was using the prototype in our home, I really felt like it was another person in the room that I was spending some time with. The Mogul Ski Chair available only by advance order at Postalco Shops. Until Dec 25, 2018. https://t.co/Se3xPAHNbi

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三菱鉛筆 POSTALCOデザイナーによる“鉛筆のようなおもむきのボールペン”「LAYERED」

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Driven by a curiosity about assembly and disassembly Dohrenwend
intercepts materials to create impermanent sculpture. We will display a cardboard object made by Amber Dohrenwend in the window of the Postalco Shop Kyobashi. https://t.co/bCBijfl6RU

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銀座の新しいランドマーク のおすすめは銀座最大の面積を誇る屋上庭園で、銀座界隈の景色を一望することが出来ます。※11:00-23:00 ポスタルコ京橋店から徒歩15分。 https://t.co/xOj5TZGapH

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Enjoy the 360℃ view of Ginza from above. building roof 11am - 11pm, 15min walk from the Postalco Shop. https://t.co/xOj5TZGapH

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ポスタルコのデザイナー、マイク・エーブルソンがデザインをした、Hotel CLASKA 客室の制作過程を紹介する「Rooms in Progress」。第一弾は、CLASKAディレクター大熊さんと、マイク・エーブルソンのコメントが公開されています。 https://t.co/ndEN45Dpug

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