# movieposter illustration posterdesign classics movie art horror horrorcommunity horrormovies piranha classic ritahayworth tadanoriyokoo japanesedesign 1960s saw10 sawmovie sawx saw sawuniverse jigsaw jigsawmovie johnkramer amandayoung billythepuppet posterart posters poster graphicdesigndaily graphicdesign horrorart gore sawmexico egorodriguez movieposterdesign editorialillustration inkdrawing digitalart pnkxfam startup pixelart design logodesign logo digitalposter adobe photoshop gamer game gaming infinity falling collection void escapingreality drifting keyart freelancer film graphicdesigner music bands tourposter pantera scream scream6 screamvi ghostface posterspy moviememories movietwitter dracula classicmovies mychildhood badass belalugosi retro illustrator typography mentalhealth animatedtype animation animationdesign motiondesign type01 typedesign typeface typedesigner fontinuse graphicdesignstudio merch hoodies tees shirts fashionstyle icecream icecreamcone retrodesign retroposter artwork desain desaingrafisindonesia desaingrafis vectorart vector vectorillustration vectors bladerunner2049 digitalartwork brotherhood laughteristhebestmedicine family familyfuntime memories laughter emotion happy fun funkyfriday oldschool abstractart painting hood success hooddreams selfdevelopment blackart brooklyn blackteen abstractartwork growthmindset determination fineartamerica philosphytwitter wallartforsale arthouseposters jorgeluisborges bookstagram booksworthreading milkyway galaxy albertcamus

Poster Designs by Tadanori Yokoo 1960s scanned from Tadanori Yokoo’s Posters: Idea Special Issue, 1995 https://t.co/8yMHk1n0VW

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Since I had a boost of followers these last couple of weeks, I think it is appropriate to show you all what you have been missing!

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Alt version of my SCREAM VI poster in style of the OG trilogy posters

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"We're all just looking out for something real"

My 2nd attempt at a poster for Denis Villeneuve's Blade Runner 2049. was never completely satisfied with my first attempt back in 2018, so had to give it another go!

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