our Redeemer, giver of life, remember those who have died; grant them the glory of your resurrection.

~ Lord, have mercy on your people.

The by artist Ivan Dragan

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Father, you placed Christ, your Son, at your own right hand in heaven; receive the dead into the happiness of your kingdom.

~ Lord, remember your Church.

Transfiguration of fresco by Aidan Hart Icons

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We pray for those who have gone before us, signed with the sign of the cross: may they rise with in power when his voice resounds again through the universe:

‘It is consummated.’

~ Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

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Risen Christ, you went down among the dead & opened for them the gates to life; welcome our dead brothers & sisters into your kingdom.

~ King of glory, hear us.

Anastasis, the Risen saves Adam & Eve by Michèle Lévesque

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