Last but not least and the one I drew first out of these is

I love the whole idea of but both and are too human looking for me lol

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When I did I had to do all of her forms. I decided cause of the Ruby form to use Orange as her main which meant her hair got turned pink so I decided to swap the hair colours around when I did her other forms!

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is one of my favorite styles, everyone makes a Cure Joker lol but I made it based on the Queen Card!

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looks a bit boring and forgettable compared to the other looks, I tried to make her top shorter to show her midriff tho!

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when I first tried doing this a yea ago I did so bad on the design it hurt to look at. I'm safe to say I now love her suite look

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Now I love love love and I tried to use there style cause its so different from the other seasons (Plus the person who designed the aesthetic also designed I based her off the flower

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