画質 高画質

studying speech bubbles, i really like the subtle pretty patterns in these ones

0 17

A good kitty deserves a pretty collar🐱🖤✨
Thank you for the suggestion!🥰 https://t.co/P7csNGCJ0f

41 383

When the copium turns out too pretty not to post— (and ofc I gotta imply zolu in everything💀 can’t help it)

Trigger D Warning for the unedited version in thread

7 38

the size of proton-m is also pretty close to theirs. https://t.co/WPvVmU6SmT

8 31

โปรดมาดูสาวๆที่บ้านฉัน hot girl soft girl pretty girl nerdy girl baby girl girlboss มาชิมได้ on the house https://t.co/4VCDMR308J

1 4

2024年4月21日大田区産業プラザPiO【Pretty Bomb! 9】に参加します! https://t.co/gB2FOTuUSN

34 64

So prettyyyy 😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️♥️

0 1

(not)fun fact : Vega C and Chollima-1's size are actually pretty much similar.

0 28

Okay she just straight up pretty princess

10 158


Being honest, he sucks.

Attacks are awful
Movement Speed is terrible
Guard… better than Sinon
He’s amazing at dodging though…

However, he’s pretty good at giving buffs and debuffs
His Ultimate “chains” the enemy and helps a lot with damage output on other teammates.

0 2


Flint: "That's pretty good. But there's a lot more to come."

144 808

Sounds like a nasty guy isn't he? Until I read the wiki page for the king's actual historical record.

Apparently he was pretty modern for his time and had girls run the court. In a time where guys were like "ha w*men" and forbids them to do anything but baby mill+ being pretty

0 0

Didn't draw him since last year what a relief i still can draw him as pretty babygirl

10 238

Thank you joining me on the stream today!
Arzette turned out pretty nice despite not having practiced it before. 💎✨
Thank you and for making such a wholesome game!
See y'all next time!

49 207

4月21日大田区産業プラザPiO【Pretty Bomb! 9】にサークル参加します! https://t.co/6URHaVaAdd

35 74

QRT the character vs how you drew the character

When I draw luffy he always comes out looking different everytime depending on my mood💀💀 but he somehow looks very pretty when I’m sad https://t.co/x0MZOWykVW

2 7

Figure skater sakura Au because hehe pretty sakura

71 417