A rootin-tootin cowgirl with her rootin-tootin cactus friend! 🌵 Illustration by .

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Wanted: Bill Pail (also known as Two Bucket Bill). Notorious overwaterer of cacti and succulents. Illustration by .

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Some of my favorite outfits! ✨ Illustration by .

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My winter jacket has a lot of pockets for stuff and it turns out the inside one is the perfect size for my fave Taco Bell snack! 🌯 Illustration by .

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November 2019 -
Feet on my board, cruising somewhere, happy!

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July 2019 -
What's better than pizza? Never-ending pizza! 🍕🍕🍕

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August 2019 -
Bangkok Vibes! Tuk Tuk racing and Tom Yum Kung.

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April 2019 - Illustrated by
The Isle of Freelance, a treacherous and sometimes scary place

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2011 vs. 2019! A piece I made in high school called, "Think Ahead" - symbolizing change, and the the pos/neg balance as we move forward in life. (I was just as much of a conceptual weirdo back then LOL.) Illustration by .

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Dancing Plant. Illustration by Hikari Kobayashi.

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Here is my re-make of one of my first digital drawings I made in 2007 when I was maybe 14 years old. I still don't know how to play guitar, but I got much better at illustrating! Illustration by Marcia Diaz.

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My happy place is brainstorming with friends! It’s always so magical to talk about endless ideas and possibilities ✨💡💕 Illustration by .

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Feet on my board, cruising somewhere, happy! Illustration by .

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My happy place is wherever and whenever I'm with my little sister and best friend—sharing stories, singing dramatically off-key...mostly we're chismis-ing. 💬💖 Illustration by .

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My worst (and weirdest) fear is that my ear lobes are going to grow drastically in size overnight and I won't know what to do! Illustration by .

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My deepest darkest fear is getting locked in a supply cupboard forever. Illustration by .

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So many books, so little time ✨ Illustration by .

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Pittsburgh: famous for ketchup, pierogis, and bridges! Illustration by .

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Winter Gardens is nestled in the seven hills of my hometown, Sheffield. Illustration by .

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