Feeling Afloat by wishingwals

For at least a moment in time, nothing feels scary and everything feels safe with pride.

26 60

This is Freedom by henotshe

To be trans is to know your truth, to realize that there is no better freedom than this, and to fight for it.

12 22

Whoever I Want by ZanyZestyZippy

I’m free to love who I want. Bisexuality means I’m still queer and valid whether I like a man, a woman, or non-binary folk.

23 43

Untitled by Bitterdumpling

There's no one way to be non-binary; There's no such thing as "not looking/being non-binary enough". If that is your truth, then you are worthy enough to live it!

32 50

Into Open Air by alamangoes

Being in the lgbt community to me entails giving and receiving warmth, support, courage, and love.

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Maria, A Marionette by kromatikko

Now, are you familiar with him already?
She is Maria. A marionette.

45 58

Queer-in-the-box by uwumsr

TW: physical and verbal violence

We are kept in boxes that leads to us being killed, imprisoned, or forced to ‘act’ straight.

61 76

Pride Series is about recognizing and celebrating the queer community through art. Join in on the celebration by tagging your favorite queer artists!

24 44