Attend the Strategic Framework Town Hall on Mon, Jan. 25 at 7 pm ET. Learn about the PGCMLS Strategic Framework 2021-2024, which charts the Library's plans for the next four years. hosts members of the Board & staff.

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La Biblioteca se enorgullece de anunciar el lanzamiento de su plan estratégico 2021-2024, que guiará el trabajo de la Biblioteca durante los próximos tres años con una nueva misión, visión, valores y áreas de enfoque estratégico.

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PGCMLS is proud to announce the launch of its Strategic Framework 2021-2024, which will guide the work of the Library over the next three years with a new mission, vision, values, & strategic focus areas.

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We are SO proud of all Prince Georgians who have completed the Our county self-response rate (46.2%) is now over the national rate of 45.7% It's not too late to get counted:

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