
当日中ギリ間に合わなかった😭ので再投稿… おめでとうございました🎉🎊💐👏🂱❣️
私が と出会ったのが1年前なのですが、キンプリ(KOP)の最推しが になったのは自分でも驚き☺Theシャッフルの皆と美味しいもの食べて…✨

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Stuff about prism: a thread 🫧🌈🍭

Prism is Discord’s protégé, learning how to properly use her chaos magic and also learning the ways of life in equestria. Shes rather attached to discord since not only is he her mentor but also because he’s another draconequus

1/idk how many

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LIVE NOW: prismaeya || Fatal Frame

2 5

Kamira and her Prismatic ice! (2021)

14 77

I love Hibari a lot =w=
🎨: @/MsPrismatic

0 17

I don't know why you don't already have these unique, one-of-a-kind prismatic bears in your collection 🧸🌌
While my Opensea has removed the prices, I don't have time yet to post prices for some parts of this collection, if you like any bear and want to buy, email me on DM

3 10

Meet my Empires Sona, Prisma the Panda Bear! They're a librarian who resides in the Panda district of Animalia. (the second image is her "human disguise")

gonna write a story & doodle some stuff for her later 😋

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Everyone, this is the FINAL day for the sale! Get a story comm while you can before the sale ends, as after today there won't be a chance for 25% off!

🎨: @/TheMoshi19
🎨: @/MsPrismatic https://t.co/GB6IiCrVNS

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QQGK x Prismland collab
Jiuhuo in uniforms 😍

70 164

Gentle Light Soaring Softly! Cure Prism!

122 388

pelo poder do prisma lunar ✨

200 782

Congrats on 70k! 💚 I’m Moe and my series is Prism World, a sci-fi/fantasy adventure where an artist falls into an alien world where art is banned :D (I love everything colorful, hehe)


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3 10

// blood , deer skull
He is summoning demons just to bully Prismarina

123 1522

been wanting to draw Katsumi forever 😆

24 629