My gf says the new meds they are on is progesterone and is taken along with their estrogen to enhance the boing bongs! Hope this helps you on your journey 💕

0 1

Thinkin bout Zoe today and her deep cackling voice and bitey....ness.

Damn girl progesterone blessed you like a truck crashed into u

120 616

Update: stopped by the pharmacy to pick up spiro, and they had legit progesterone waiting for me too??? Seems to be a new prescription???


0 8

When a freshly-cracked trans girl starts asking about progesterone

3 15

I may not be on progesterone yet, but knowing how I am, I'm worried about how Unhinged my horny will become once I start taking it.

4 38

Do you also have to deal with the monthly boobie aches? 😭

Here is whyyy: Progesterone production causes the milk glands to swell. Progesterone levels rise during the week before menstruation. It can cause your breasts to feel sore.

0 19

Goddamn, just my progesterone, and I'm SO fucking plastered right now. It's weird to think that just go through this oncee day 🥴

0 12

Me: I should get some exercise in this afternoon *takes progesterone -- immediately gets progesterdrunk* nvm

0 9

about 2 hours after taking my progesterone i get hit with a slight hypnotic state.

23 177

Around the time of our period there’s a drop in progesterone levels and changes in estrogen levels. This results in our bodies retaining more water and salt. The cells in our body become more swollen with water. This causes the feeling of bloating.

6 14

doktor, prescribe my progesterone

2 8

[Gals] Can't spell progesterone without P O G

7 141

[Transfem] I mean weed is ok but have you tried progesterone

7 71

ooof finding out today my doctor never sent my prescription for Progesterone through -- after requesting it a 2nd time last week. Why is it ALWAYS such a fight, godddd 💦💦

0 12

So any ways guess I'll be starting progesterone tomorrow, I don't know anyone that's been on it. All I really know is "worth a try" and apparently it may make me moody AF. Any advice?

0 6

[Transfem] I started progesterone recently, this basically sums up my experience with it so far

10 84

got perscribed progesterone!!!!!!

0 58

last day of progesterone for the month

1 84

christmas: mneh

new year's eve: k

January 1st, first day of progesterone:

1 128