Seika Tsubaki - Redesign 2022

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Seika Tsubaki & Yoru Son

Yoru is still very much a WIP, he's nowhere near how I picture him in my head so, he'll go through alotta alterations in the future.. I'm also still kinda struggling with drawing male characters so yeah there's that too

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Team Apocalypse - Female Team

Updated their looks and redrew Shiro from scratch using her previous drawing as a reference

Also did a minimalistic version, just for fun

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Pride and Shiroshi

Tried making them similar outfits. Daiichi's design still needs some more work though

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Hikari & Yamine

They were in need of a redesign. I'm also planning to redo more of my OC's in the future

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My OC Seika Tsubaki, Updated her design a bit and changed up her bangs

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[OCs] Kuro & Shiro trying to comfort Daiichi

but just end up fighting with eachother, even though they're the same person.

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