pretending isnt about to end im gna do a shameless

HAII im niko:3 im an artist in the aromantic spectrum and im very silly !!!! i mainly draw ourtles and gay hedgehogs ... but i'm multifandom !! take this drawig it took me 4 years

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not new to twt but rt!

hi promotwt. we are a DID sys of 20+! we are on mcrtwt, mlptwt, heatherstwt, spoptwt, b99twt, and literally any media we consume (which is a lot). we like hs btw and heartland !!

we like a lot of horror stuff too. drop a follow, it’s free and we fb

14 25

Hello everyone. What is this called? Ah yes, a I am humbly requesting some new Tetris fans since I unfortunately seem to be loosing some. I promise you all nothing sinister or unwelcoming is happening. I do not pose any threat, do not be worried.

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Hai! Mau ikut promotwt.

Nama aku Rin. Aq mau nambah temen terutama yang sesama yume 😳👉🏻👈🏻 hobi aku ada di bawah, termasuk neriakin dan mendukung penuh yumeship mutual 🥺

Baca carrdku dulu ya :

Moots promosiin aku dong (灬º‿º灬)

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HALO SAYA MAU IKUTAN PROMOTWT. panggil aja aku pita, boleh dipanggil sayang /hj. ORG ORG BILANG SAYA LUCU pdhl humor saya ancur.. AKU BERISIK DI TL, SUKA NERIAKIN OSHI, OTP, DAN GACHA BAWU!! AYO TEMENAN

30 26

Selamat pagi (mau siang)! Aku mau ikutan promotwt. Keuntungan kalian berteman denganku hanya 1, yaitu belajar cara sabar berkali kali lipat menghadapi manusia bulol seperti aku! Jangan lupa cek carrd ku dulu ya, apalagi yang ada tanda lope nya <33

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