Quienes dicen que el arte no debe propagar doctrinas suelen referirse a doctrinas contrarias a las suyas.

Chi dice che l’arte non deve propagandare dottrine si riferisce di solito a dottrine contrarie alle sue.

(da Jorge Luis Borges, Otras Inquisiciones)

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GM Folks Today can be what we all Need... Reality It's a metter of prospettive Just breath and Focus ✊

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if want see in that prospettive yes, but most i do about desing and concept too

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NUOVE PROSPETTIVE dittico 80x110x220

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Prospettive colorate...
Piero Bottoni 1903-1973

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A first flop. 7 years before Piranesi's astounding Imaginary Prisons (1750) were published, he created an equally amazing book of 12 prints of "imaginary buildings & ancient ruins". The "Prima Parte di Architetture e Prospettive" did not sell but Piranesi was undeterred.

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