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Marcia Komnenos
Scion of Byzantine Komnenos Dynasty. Greek Orthodox Nun. a Stigmatic. Received her Stigmata while she was partially burning alive fending off Ottoman raiders with her Winchester 1897 shotgun.
Demon and Cryptid Hunter for A.C.S.D, Immensely hates the Protestants.
Marcia Komnenos, Greek Orthodox nun.
Gunslinger Preacher, a Stigmatic, extremely zealous, and extremely violent towards demons and heretics.
hates the Turks and Protestants. Hunts demons and cryptids for a living.
Ya estamos con @AkobonArt jugando a la trilogía de Ace Attorney! Empezamos con el caso más largo del primer juego, Rise from the ashes
Manifestantes en París lanzando polvos Holi contra la policía, inspirado en las recientes protestas y en las imágenes de @Mr_AllenT y @icreatelife
All my homies doin this, I'm joining in.
(If you get the Protestant bastard reference good job)
Essa aqui é a minha peça mais famosinha, até hoje recebo xingamento dos protestantes 🤭 https://t.co/gztCNnJlqn
"No no no, you can't be homophobic mister" -@peethanonline
As a ignorant conservative protestant i was in my preteens (didn't even know what racism or gay ppl were) you have enlightened me on many things what were hidden to me as a kid🍄
Commissions are open!
Ya está circulando la edición 437 de @El_Chamuco colaboro con @carogogut con un ensayo visual sobre como el patriarcado ha secuestrado al cuerpo femenino de múltiples formas.
Vayan por ella, trae desde narco novelas hechas realidad hasta protestas feministas. ¡No se la pierdan!
#CeJourLà Henri IV est sacré roi de France le 27 février 1594.
Son sacre, à Chartes, n’a été possible qu’après son abjuration au protestantisme et son retour à la foi catholique.
Illus. : Henri IV / H. Vogel (1907) via la BNF/Gallica : https://t.co/95AJGgwvok
The Catholic Church responded to Protestantism in several ways, not least with the creation of the Roman Inquisition in 1542, which was intended to root out and destroy heresy in Italy.
But they also started paying more attention to art as a religious and political force...
El 27 de octubre de 1553, Miguel Servet, teólogo reformista y médico español, descubridor de la circulación sanguínea pulmonar, fue quemado vivo junto a sus libros en Champel, extramuros de Ginebra, acusado de hereje por Juan Calvino, reformador protestante.
E non c'è nulla sulla terra
tranne questa terra?
Se così fosse rimarrebbe dunque
la parola destata da effimere labbra
che corre e corre, instancabile,
verso campi interstellari
nel vortice delle galassie
E protesta, chiama, grida
C. Milosz
Bloccano il raccordo "io devo anna' a lavora', annate a protesta' ar Parlamento"
Azione dimostrativa nei musei "oddiosignoramia le opere d'arte no, prendetevela con i politici"
Azione dimostrativa sotto al #Senato "eh no ma i palazzi delle istituzioni non si toccano"
Ps no sabía si subirlo, era solo un dibujo de IJ disfrazado por Navidad, pero entonces, por algún motivo lo convertí en un meme contra la gringificacion de la navidad xd
Nse, que nadie se enfade, es una protesta interna y personal que tengo.
#OTD December 16, 1714
Birth of George Whitefield, Church of England evangelist who by his popular preaching stimulated the 18th-century Protestant revival throughout Britain and in the American colonies.
ok, esta es mi protesta por 2 videos de memes otakos seguidos, habra mas cada vez que aparezca otro video.
Dragones & protestas #China #WhitePaperRevolution
@taverinez y @p_calleri
➕La semana pasada en el #humor de #prensa #cartoon #cartoons #DessinDePresse
Jan Steen's "St Nicholas Feast" where the little girl has been given a doll in the shape of a saint is famous. Because of the doll it can be assumed that it was painted for a catholic family. Steen also painted a "protestant" version, where the little girl is holding a large cake