High resolution infrared images from JWST reveal the hydrogen jets and outflows from the star-forming region of the 'Cosmic Cliffs':
These lightyears-long features point to protostars usually hidden by a swirling cloud of dust.

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Each instrument on the space telescope sees a different slice of reality. Here, the NIRCam instrument sees hot stars; MIRI highlights cooler gas and protostars still shrouded in dust. https://t.co/EVVwG2SFm3

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seeking companions in Orion — the Orion molecular cloud complex is among the most active regions in the Milky Way, home to hundreds of and thousands of pre-main-sequence stars
👁 https://t.co/j64KQU6gQS via

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株式会社セガ「Readyyy!」の2/13に開催された「 Readyyy! 4th Anniversary Live "Twinkle of Protostars" 」のグッズ付きチケットの特典グッズ2点のデザインをいたしました。

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🌟JO1 ソンムル企画🌟
JO1のシリアルナンバーお譲りします ☺︎期間が短くて大変申し訳ないのですが、画像をよく読んでご参加いただけたらと思います🌷

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