"Bedlam" thank goodness our Psychiatric Hospital are no longer like Bedlam. The mind is sick and needs care & attention. Thank you for all staff who work in & mental health trusts

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In amongst the struggles we may feel in these COVID19 times There's nature surprising us each day The faces show a time in The in the middle is the brightness of being well Keep hopeful wherever you are in

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Yesterday Saunctuary Service I described this I did after an inpatient in a The darker side is chaotic & full of muddled words The lighter side was the hope of recovery Titled Life out of Chaos HOPE is always at the door

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titled Life out of Chaos In conversation today at Clockview where I volunteer I was saddened to hear people living with a feel they are still stigmatized Life & light comes out of the chaos of illness Lets value people

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Great service Saunctuary space Clockview today Patients volunteers/staff had some space to reflect Faith/no faith welcome Today I felt patients could express what they felt in a safe & non clinical place A delight to lead it on Maundy Thursday

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The can play a key role in the lifes of people living with It can help with grief loss anger & many more struggles Its a natural tool for recovery Expressing inner pain It should be provided on all wards in

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