Trapping, snaring and poisoning is now ILLEGAL on in NM. Who is gonna be the next state to do this?!?

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ALASKA IS FOR SALE - Pebble Mine, Arctic drilling, National Preserves hunting, Wildlife Refuge bear-baiting and now - Tongass National Forest exempted from the Roadless Rule.

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In a huge win for China, Trump lifted roadless area protections in the Tongass National Forest, the world’s largest intact temperate rainforest. This means more old-growth logging of with most of the trees exported as raw logs to the Pacific Rim. via

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tracks from abt the same age (~112 ish million y.a.) found at the Mill Canyon tracksite - a site near that developed into an interpretive site that u can visit for free. I did sign art for the site

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Some drawings of my friends (drawn from a safe distance in a car) in last spring for my book

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Remember that Ask Congress to reform private grazing on our & areas:

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grazing is bad for watersheds & taxpayers, so TAKE ACTION:

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