With the amount of crisis there is lately, I'll be removing the limit for my

If you've donated to any good causes like:

Just send me any proof of your donation!

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Hello Guys, I'm doing an art Collective for a zine to donate money for the Victims of the eartquakes in more info on the flyer below↓
Link for donations and pre orders↓

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Cogiendo cantazos pero todavia de pie.

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fundraiser in

Thursday *1/16*
Open Mic 7pm
(Act auction and raffle as well)

Funds supporting the relief work of & https://t.co/lqJ8AjXsLq

Thanks for the dope flyer

Pls share widely

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My family and friends are safe and I’m happy for that but my island is hurting
I pray tonight will go on with out any big tremor, I hope everyone stays safe, our island has been threw hell but we are stronger then ever.

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It's not that I'm trying to cause a panic, its that these earthquake sequences have no end in sight for the near/forseeable future. There was another quake just 4-5 minutes ago.

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The earthquakes in Puerto Rico are occurring in an area where alluvium & unconsolidated rocks make up the ground. When saturated by water, it allows for sudden landslides.

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