Goodnight Punpun

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me telling the already depressed homie to read oyasumi punpun

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Gm, fam! This is my third open edition: “Loneliness" inspired by the manga “Oyasumi PunPun” by Inio Asano.

Claim starts today at 3:00 PM EST (15:00) and will be available for the next 72 hours at 0.02 $ETH each.

I really hope you like it 🩸

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goodnight punpun / oyasumi punpun manga panel coloring thing

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First Fanart as “PUNSIKORN” 😎😎
งานแรกของคุณเค้าก็ต้องเขียวเหนี่ยวทรัพย์นี่ล่ะ 😌

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My feed has turned into me posting the goodies I receive for stream/content and not the actual content I make with it🥹

Anyway some deskmats I’ll be using soon, a punpun charm to use in pictures and more keycaps!

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Oh hey another bandwagon I can hop onto

Posting four characters I can relate to and letting people make assumptions about me~

- Yuu from Sanrio Boys
- Sora from Sketchbook
- Cater from Twisted Wonderland
- Aiko from Goodnight Punpun

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My fav manga now
(Quick doodle)
•Note: It contains a bunch of sensitive topics so you shouldn't read it if you are too young or easily triggered. You have been warned.

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La soledad es parte de la vida desde el principio de la humanidad, nunca podrás deshacerte de ella.

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Korn develops kleptomania and a messiah complex due to that, and gets riddled with scars by her guardian in trying to keep Punpun (her twin) from taking any of his abuse.
in an inciting incident on their shared birthday, Punpun turns her yellow, and dies in a mass murder.

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Punpun was written as a fridged backstory character but then drawing them Once left me smitten with how adorable they are, actually
(6/2020 -- 10/2022 -- 3/2023)

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ねこさん( )主催の絵チャに参加しました!


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OoOoOoO you want to draw the cute nb kobold you want to draw Punpun so much oOoOoOo~

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Cada mes, estaré haciendo al sub del mes en Twitch. El mes de Marzo le corresponde a Zerxes, por lo que hoy en stream dibujamos a PunPun ya que fue lo que eligió. 😊✨

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What am I doin? Making good night punpun stickers. Good read. It felt about as heavy as aku no hana and blood on the tracks.

If you read psychological horror manga, do me a favor, send me recommendations--I love the stuff.

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Inio Asano (mangaka de Bonne nuit Punpun notamment) a lancé un nouveau manga : MUJINA IN TO THE DEEP !🔥

Tous les arrière-plans et certaines scènes d'actions ont été dessinés en s'appuyant sur le moteur 3D Unreal Engine 5 (images et synopsis ⬇️)

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"Mujina In To The Deep", le nouveau manga d'Inio Asano (mangaka Bonne Nuit Punpun) vient de débuter au Japon !

C’est l’histoire d’une jeune meurtrière armée d’un katana qui traque ses cibles dans une métropole très fréquentée appelée Tsukumo.

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🚨🚨 acaba de anunciar o mangá Downfall, de Inio Asano (Boa Noite PunPun), em live na .

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