

PUSH…▶︎ https://t.co/JDEp0mI5eP


素敵なFA シオン様♡ shin_shin_40

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トウトイ トウトイネ

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We’re into our final week!!
We’re so close to hitting our 2nd stretch goal of £4k…if we do there’s a sweet hit of something free heading out to everyone who’s pledged!!

Big final push…! Huzzah!!

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Gonzales has Atk/Spd Push…

He broke it. He broke the curse.

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It is the last stretch for https://t.co/AzJc7wWUOo on their campaign. They’ve run an excellent and really fun campaign for a stop motion animated film. There’s still some time to support them and give an extra push…

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Ah yes my favorite trope, the one where the hero/protagonist is facing a powerful blast/energy by themselves and their deceased loved one shows up as in illusion to give them that extra push… yeah my favorite…

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