A2: Lacey is in many ways a third protagonist. In Last Space Wizard Agent Bill, also sometimes fills this role as well. The moments they become major depend entirely on the situation. For my stories they're their to give a relatable outlook on outlandish events.

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A4: Unprovoked murder, kidnapping, force feeding dodgy looking meat to protagonists https://t.co/qOpiMvH5WK. That being said there is an argument to be made Gwen isn't evil but is insane to the point of being unaware of her own actions.

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A2. many things can work for designing villains personally I select a specific theme that represents a societal Ill. In Ice Cream Truck Of Doom the villains are literally the Fast Food Nation and they are run by an insane serial killer.

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Hey there . This is Patrick Tsao for - it’s a military sci-fi drama in the vein of Battlestar Galactica except with aliens instead of robots. Check it out at https://t.co/xjgM9idZ0k - good to be here

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Hello, I'm Crystal, co-creator and artist for Lost in the Vale, https://t.co/sju7libDsT My husband is the writer! We started it back in 2013, but went on a big hiatus and came back last year! Here are a few pages out of context!

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A1: I'll go with Ozy from Ozy & Millie! He's never identified as such in the comic, but Dana Simpson has since said that although the term "agender" didn't exist at the time, she had written him as an agender character.

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Hello Though M9 Girls does not deal with LGBT themes, our Pink Starlight is bi. Golden seems to be demisexual. Their sexuality was not relevant in Season 1, but it plays a part in Season 2's shoujo drama!

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A3: I don't remember for sure, but it may have been Moonstruck.

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Superchum, the world's friendliest superhero has an entire design based on his gimmick. He's hairless and jaundiced, making him the living embodiment of a smiley face. His outfit is a riff on spidey and supes. His belt buckle is 2 hands clasping.

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A5: Probably Dia, her personality is fun and she's usually doing active things so it's fun to draw her.

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I am Superchum the world's friendliest superhero and you can find my adventures at https://t.co/lCqA1qxoqn as well as The Duck. Together with my comrades The Mighy Befrienders we are on a mission to bring positivity and friendship to a world in dire need of a hug.

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Q4 https://t.co/FPEHdorT9h is now in its final chapter. I'll hopefully be done with it within a year. I initially wrote the story in 2013 so it's been a long time coming and I can't wait to share the ending.

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Q2 I really like converging storylines, and plots that slowly reveal themselves. "Giant Robo" was a big influence for me, as its story is misleading, and full of unreliable narrators, with the real story only fully revealing itself in the final episode.

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It's a classic but super effective.

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My most memorable introduction is probably September, because I gave her a several page long intro instead of having her just pop up like every other character.

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Hi I'm L.C., creator of Adulting Amy, a satirical slice of life comic that updates on Sundays (https://t.co/uJyuDTdSHy).

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Hi I'm L.C., creator of Aduting Amy (https://t.co/uJyuDTdSHy). Got caught up with "adulting stuff" (weeding the yard), but I had some FOMO regarding this chat so here I am late LOL

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A5 I don't think I have a one comic that influenced me the most, but here are pics of my fave characters, as well as my characters.

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A5 The early Wapsi Square comics were great. I related a lot to the main character Monica. Here's an early one of these, and a comic of mine where my main character Amy has a similar lapse.

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