Quarantine Still Life 47 ▪️ Playing along with 1979 Blondie on YouTube under the last of July’s Guitar Strummin’ moon ... “Dreamin’ ... dreaming is free ...”

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Quarantine Still Life 36 ▪️This week wore on me. Feeling out of alignment with the world & with myself. Oregano & Pineapple Sage thriving next to the Geranium; spinach has bolted so time to plant more beans

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Quarantine Still (Bubbly) Life 34 ▪️Love and a wedding and champagne toasts in the time of COVID-19 ✨#bubbly

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Quarantine Still Life 19 ▪️ A cup of tea or three to calm the nerves and soothe the soul and attempt to keep the discombobulation at bay...

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Quarantine Still Life 10 ▪️ So maybe it wasn’t the miracle of the loaves and the fishes, but during the pandemic a dozen fresh rolls — half Kaiser and half Torpedo — sure felt like a miracle...

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Quarantine Still Life 9 ▪️ Limoncello is Mitza’s tonic — everything goes down easier with it. Ever since the call went out that her bottle had run dry, new bottles keep showing up.

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