Ella es mi Oc y viene a ver a los Quasitos, ella es Quaso Shokan, odia las bebidas que no sean awa, tiene un ojito mal por lo que siempre le llora y se desitrata muy seguido. Espero sea bien bienvenida hshs <3

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Ya basta twitter!!!
Notificame todo, no me hagas buscar!! hshshs
Si ven que no he contestado a algo haganmelo saber Quasitos, si no reviso la tienda y el reclutamiento perderiamos nuevos Quasos y Accesorios </3

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Buenos dias mis Quasitos, espero tengan un bellisimo dia <3
No olviden desayunar, besitos de cienpies <3

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Day 17 "M&M Quasits" 😈

Make way for the new M&M mascots 📣

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Luriquay and The Spaghets defend Lamfhotas Oculus from the final Quasit tonight.

Will they defeat the beast?

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Made a quasit pal for the imp token.

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Sketched some imp and quasit designs for heads 81-89

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Corrhiza, ’s goblin circle of spores Druid & Kolache, the quasit-turned truffle hog.

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Day 5
This lil mofo might and will ruin your day. Personal experience.

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Here's the group of a campaign I'm in!
From left to right:
Oswynn, “Dark-One” Cleric
Obelith, Oswynn’s Bodyguard
Fairedei, Dragonborn Paladin
Bogan, Tiefling Druid
Sprocket Carmichael, Warforged Bard
and Oolette, Oswynn's Quasit.

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Previous Patron requests include imps, quasits and blink dogs!

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Is there a monster you'd like to see Trash Mob'd? Patrons can comment on the linked post and suggest a critter they'd like to see!
Previous suggestions have spawned blink dogs, imps and quasits!

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D&D commission for ! Adrant Balreel is a Fallen Combo, and a total badass. He was also a massive challenge to paint properly, and my first 'edgy' character. Loved it.

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Sorry, forgot to post these from friday's stream. they're and my D&D character's Quasit Familiar

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I had heard of quasits but never really knew anything about them. Found out they're basically imps... just more disappointing. However, get enough of them overrunning a city and you basically get the gremlins movie all over again!

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