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رسومات اليوم في محبة الألوان الأربعة التي يكرهها المعتدي المحتل 🍉🇵🇸
#savepalestine #savesheikhjarrah #sheikhjarrah #quds #watermelon
📢 Chicago, join @sjpchi and many others THIS Saturday to condemn zionist violence in Al-Quds and stand with the people of #sheikhjarah. FB link: https://t.co/zjeShjIEHQ. See you there & please share widely!
Ramadhan segera tiba
Walau Al-Aqsha saat ini berada dalam penjajahan, penduduk sekitar Al-Quds tetap berusaha meramaikan Al Aqsha. Saat Ramadan, ratusan ribu jamaah akan mengunjungi Al-Aqsha untuk beribadah, belajar Al-Quran, dan menghadiri majelis ilmu
Satu paket makanan harganya Rp500.000, bisa menghidupi satu keluarga selama 10 hari.
Kirim berapa pun untuk bantu mereka bertahan hidup. Kirim ke BSM (451) 7-666-171-661
a.n Solidaritas Muslim Al Quds Resist
akhiran 40. Contoh Rp50.040
For a translation and study of Mir’at al-quds, see Pedro Moura Carvalho, Mir’āt al-quds (Mirror of Holiness): A Life of Christ for Emperor Akbar (Brill, 2012). Available here: https://t.co/XxIrPBB9me
The Place of Jesus’s Birth,
from a Mirror of Holiness (Mir’at al-Quds)
of Father Jerome Xavier
Opaque watercolour and gold on paper
Made for Prince Salim
(Future Mughal Emperor Jahangir, r.1605-27)
Allahabad, 1602-4
That day isn't far off when Jesus son of Mary performs prayer in Quds alongside #ThePromisedSaviour
Muslims and Christians and all Freedom loving people of the world should know that global redemption and peace is tied to the faith of #Palestine