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رسومات اليوم في محبة الألوان الأربعة التي يكرهها المعتدي المحتل 🍉🇵🇸

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📢 Chicago, join and many others THIS Saturday to condemn zionist violence in Al-Quds and stand with the people of FB link: https://t.co/zjeShjIEHQ. See you there & please share widely!

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Ramadhan segera tiba

Walau Al-Aqsha saat ini berada dalam penjajahan, penduduk sekitar Al-Quds tetap berusaha meramaikan Al Aqsha. Saat Ramadan, ratusan ribu jamaah akan mengunjungi Al-Aqsha untuk beribadah, belajar Al-Quran, dan menghadiri majelis ilmu

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Satu paket makanan harganya Rp500.000, bisa menghidupi satu keluarga selama 10 hari.

Kirim berapa pun untuk bantu mereka bertahan hidup. Kirim ke BSM (451) 7-666-171-661
a.n Solidaritas Muslim Al Quds Resist
akhiran 40. Contoh Rp50.040

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For a translation and study of Mir’at al-quds, see Pedro Moura Carvalho, Mir’āt al-quds (Mirror of Holiness): A Life of Christ for Emperor Akbar (Brill, 2012). Available here: https://t.co/XxIrPBB9me

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The Place of Jesus’s Birth,
from a Mirror of Holiness (Mir’at al-Quds)
of Father Jerome Xavier
Opaque watercolour and gold on paper
Made for Prince Salim
(Future Mughal Emperor Jahangir, r.1605-27)
Allahabad, 1602-4


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Try to paint a map of al quds 🎨 🕌

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That day isn't far off when Jesus son of Mary performs prayer in Quds alongside

Muslims and Christians and all Freedom loving people of the world should know that global redemption and peace is tied to the faith of

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Christian influences depicted in Mughal art and life.

The Adoration of the Magi from Mirʼāt al-Quds, Allahabad, India, c. 1602-04.
Source: Cleveland Museum of Art

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