Nuevo dibujo de ! He dibujado a la famosa Beth Harmon de la serie Gambito de Dama!! Espero que os guste y que vayáis a instagram a darle amor!

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i think we all know who this is.....she easily became one of my favorite fictional characters. what an icon. couldn't resist doing a piece (pun intended) 👑✨

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♟️ Harmon ♟️

Stylized portrait of Beth Harmon from The Queen's Gambit!

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Charismatic Beth Harmon from "The Queen's Gambit" ♟🖤

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The Queens Gambit♟💫

Ha sido una de las mejores series que he visto, ademas de que Anya Taylor-joy demostro lo excenlente que es como actriz❤

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Everybody gangsta until Beth stares up at the ceiling and visualizes the board~

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I've been watching The Queen's Gambit over and over again💖 It is really helping me become productive and Beth has become my biggest inspiration recently~

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