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#queerhistorychallenge DAY 8 🏳️🌈 MILA JAM #transartist #transactivist
Trans Actress, singer, drag queen, and activist @Peppermint247 fights for equality for the trans community in the entertainment industry and is a vocal advocate for HIV/AIDS patients. #peppermint #queerhistorychallenge #rupaulsdragrace #transactivist #hivawareness #hivactivist
#queerhistorychallenge Day 6: JAMES BALDWIN✊🏾🏳️🌈 author, playwright, activist. #queerhistory #jamesbaldwin
#queerhistorychallenge day 5: SYLVIA RIVERA🏳️🌈 trans & homeless lgbtq youth activist, Sylvia was advocate and mother to many homeless youth from Stonewall well into the 90’s. She spoke truth to power, she was a vocal critic about the exclusion of trans people in gay rights.
#queerhistorychallenge Day 4: STORME DELARVERIE🏳️🌈 Male impersonator, bouncer, queer guardian. Storme threw the first punch at the Stonewall riot. Until her 80s she roamed her neighborhood, armed, ready to protect queer people from harm. #gayicon #stonewallriots #stormedelarverie
#queerhistorychallenge Day 3: AUDRE LORDE 🏳️🌈 ✊🏾 Black. Lesbian. Mother. Warrior. Poet. #audrelorde #queerhistory #blacklivesmatter #queerpoet #blackqueerwomen #gaypride #lgbtqiapride
#queerhistorychallenge Day 2: BAYARD RUSTIN Openly Gay advisor and organizer for many of the marches and freedom rides during the civil rights movement, pacifist,scholar and gay rights activist. #gayrights #blm #civilrightsmovement #freedomrides #lgbtpride #lgbtqia #bayardrustin
#queerhistorychallenge Day 1: Marsha P. Johnson. One of the first rioters at stonewall & co founder of the first trans rights groups, STAR, we owe any victories in lgbtqia+ rights to this gay icon. #marshapjohnson #gayrights #transrights #gayicon #lgbtqia #pride #gayhistory