Emm: heeeey! I baked us some brownies for us, you wanna share them with me?
Freya: I uh... Well, I think you're pretty cool, you wanna, I don't know hang out?
Reikimaru: I'm depressed.

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Watson, Andrew close friend and prankster
Query, local conspiracy theorist
Fade, traveling doctor who absorbs illness of others to cure them
Ashen, local smuggler of rare materials

0 1

Kurogiri began to notice that the eye of Yabureme would focus on him in its idle moments, and whether he left it in silence or vocal query, it would bore into him with an intensity he was unaccustomed to.

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“Don’t worry. I’m Workin it out.”

I am a Firm believer in endurance training, and since today has felt like such a long one, Have an exercise Ponk

Side query, What songs do you figure Pinkie’d have on her workout Mixtape?

Some ELO, I hope

Maybe a movie theme or two

1 5

One query, would Aussie Sonic have the abrasive snarky energy of our boy, Fleetway Sonic?

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"An interesting query, what if I said I could rip you from your mortal body? Cant use the omnitrix when your a ghost now can ya?" https://t.co/sHZ7voadkC

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We’re building a list of agents to query, editors to sub and more. Dude’s the truth! And I look forward to helping him find THE best team for him.

0 6

I made it! I'm sleepy but here- without coffee for fear of waking the family. I knocked out a query, started a rough draft for Fall Writing Frenzy contest, and now onto WIP. Feeling good!

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Q3: The Digital Workshops were good. Now that I’m beginning to query, The Book helps with the research. Is there a forum where we could ask an urgent question when we are confused by what we find online?

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Pierre Bonnard’s c1920 -standing nude, Post impressionist realistic but vague strongly lighted figures pop against realistic but vague background, Fascinating room scene demands ongoing query, Reflection, or Lover? My WC simpler:

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. drew this for me and I cannot stop laughing. “Query, from Batman, is Terminally Jolene.”

Also. Put me in , please. DCSHG already said I wasn’t family friendly enough 😆

3 4

<< he just could not believe it is real- and how could he? His man is this super strong guy who can cut anyone apart with a slice of his blade- and for the same guy to hold his hands with such tenderness is nothing short of magic to Leopold.

As his query, Leopold nods with a >>

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Your art looks wonderful! Kira and Iain are my OCs in a romance novel I’m getting ready to query, if you’d like to draw one of them!

0 2

My is polished, with a and illustrations are being edited in my developing website...Each of my followers are lovely rainbow drops, who I tremendously...Thank you,

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Who's ready to REVISE? You pick the manuscript(s), or revise a query, or write something new...but whatever you do, sign up for and MAKE IT HAPPEN! Butt in chair, y'all!

4 9

My half of an art trade with ! Meet Query, a tiefling artificer, one half of the Feral Science Buds, local horned friend, if you can guess where I got his pose from, you get a cookie!

4 14

Hey there pitchers! Take a deep breath. You’ve got this!
I’m so psyched to be participating in If I like your pitch, send me a query, full synopsis of your story, and first chapter to britt.com!

3 19

Meet Query, a Fluorite-based Taerran [A species I'm cooking up] created by a mysterious mage to be a kind of 'living library' of knowledge!

2 3

Query, quizzical robot; she's a popular quiz show host who asks the most extraordinary questions!
>what's my favorite color?
>who's the best machine you know?
>why do I exist here only to serve one purpose and how do I escape

0 5

In a fantasy query, should we be more focused on conveying the protag's goal-motivation-conflict set or on demonstrating that our fantasy characters/setting are unique? If I just call her a "dragon" the reader won't get the cultural/physiological nature of these guys:

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