How did Cutter become Chief of the Wolfriders? We talk all about it today when we discuss the first comic book that I ever paid $5 for in the back-issue bin!
Plus: All our usual nonsense and mid-80s backmatter!
Questerdays, Episode 6 - ElfQuest (1/86)

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Finishing up the Challenge!
More unbelievable empathy for Rayek!
More on Recognition and Soul Names!
ElfQuest Audio Movie News! Quests & Answers! Bullpen Bulletins! Ads (including Saturday Morning Cartoons)!
Questerdays, Episode 5 - ElfQuest

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Your humble hosts have been ElfQuest fans for decades and have read this series many times to this point... but, this might be the first time where we actually have a bit of sympathy for ol' Rayek!
Questerdays, Episode 4 - ElfQuest

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The Quester-Chris's are back, and it's time for our Wolfriders to storm Sorrow's End!
A seminal issue, concepts like "recognition" and "soul names" are introduced!
All that and our usual nonsense, have a listen!
Questerdays, Episode 3 - ElfQuest (1985)

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Hey there! Are you up for a Quest? Join myself and the returning for a sneak peek pilot episode of a brand new project all about We explore this ground breaking creator owned classic in our new show Mount up Wolfriders!

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