Final art for my !!

They did it!!!! They’ve found the moon flower! Now they can make the potion to get their regular sizes back ✨💛

61 292

14 . FOX 🦊
14th art for my !!

The adventure got quite dangerous 😨

62 335

Requestober Day Twenty-Eight.

Augie's a cute puppy.

6 33

13 . RAIN 🌧
13th art for my !!

Rain is slowing down the expedition…

90 576

Rquestober Day Twenty-Four.

Loona is slacking off, reading a magazine.

15 71

Rquestober Day Twenty-Three.

I kind of remember the show she's from... don't remember her. She's pretty cute, to say the least.

1 6

12 . MOTH 🦋
12th art for my !!

Looking for their way with the help of some moon friends

69 318

11 . PUMPKIN 🎃
11th art for my !!

Going down down the Hill on a pumpkin (it was an Elias idea)

83 400

10 . RODENT 🐿
10th art for my !!

No sir Squirrel this ain’t Nut, let him go

87 445

Requestober Day Sevteen.

Here's a somewhat blushy Ord.
When I was a little kid, I use to watch this show.
I was always weirded out by the dragon's wings being little cherub wings and not dragon wings.

11 30

9th art for my !!

Adventure continues! With a new ride

89 457

8 . MOON 🌕
8th art for my !!

Time to get a good sleep… mmh what’s this

94 433

7 . OAK 🌳
7th art for my !!

Oof! Elias is saved thanks to Cocotte and that oak branch

90 463

5th art for my !!

So, which way to go…

96 478

Dragon Questober Day 9

Jessica Albert + Mal (the Descendants series) = Jessica Malbert

2 5

4th art for my !!

Some vitamins for the journey!

95 555

Third art for my !!

Mmh maybe Elias is trying to transport too much stuff for the quest

93 471

Dragon Questober Day 4

Malroth + the Mummy (Universal Classic Monsters) = Malroth the Mummy

2 4

Second art for my !!

Cocotte is preparing some warm blankets for their trip 😌👌

108 506

1 . BOOK 📖
First art for my !!

Cocotte found a recipe to make a potion to get their original size back! They need to find a moon flower🌙

111 541