Alright, I'm adding my Tumblr to my quicklinks bar so I can check it as well as everything else, since it seems to be coming back lol.

What's everyone's usernames there? I need more artists on there :> Mine is @ lumarisart

I'm also Lumaris on deviantart if you fancy the old DA

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What's happenin! I'm Ashley/Loup and I like 2 draw animals. I'm still kinda new to this twitter thang so all love n support is hella appreciated <3.


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New - White Goose has fun causing havoc in my portfolio by
Here's my new with quicklinks to my designs in my store

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New - "Year of the Rat - Metal and Gold Crown" by
Here's my showcasing my new design on lots of products.
and images
Happy New Year of the Rat 2020

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