This is a long one! We have 30 minutes to get more words on the page.

1 3

During this 10 minute break, share a quote from your work so far.

0 5

This break is a short one. Take the 5 minutes to stretch, hydrate, and wash your hands!

5 6

Time for a break! Let us know what you're writing about

2 5

Don't think of your rough drafts as something that has to be perfect and all the way thought through. Get those words out and then go back through once you have!

3 2

Make sure you've got the right atmosphere to encourage productivity. Get your snacks, music, and whatever else you need to hunker down and write

2 3

Times up! Take a 10 minute break, and let us know what you're writing about

1 7

You're doing amazing, sweetie. Share with us a quote from your work so far!

1 6

Time for our first break, let's check in. What are you writing about? How do you feel?

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