🥓 High Noon Breakfast 🍳

Decide to finally stop dreaming and just do it!
This AU be fulfilling my long term dream to paint backgrounds like the ghibli masters. 😭❤️

More here: https://t.co/bvRCi7VrdI

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Welcome to the house, Sunshine. 🤭💕
2 pages of aimless banterings cus I had too much fun planning out the dialogues & I do like to add some nice flow to the story. 😊

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Ya all got me super invested so here's a special cameo of a certain *witch*. 🤭
Prolly will jus illustrate the iconic scenes that I can remember, my gad this is gonna be helluva fun. My lineup cast for this is so crack. 🤣🤣🤣
Will keep updating this thread.

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