Ladies & Gentlemen, boys & girls, children of all ages proudly brings you THE RADD TUFFMAN

Check out RADD TUFFMAN at:

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Coming Wednesday (August 1st) to ComiXology!

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It’s likely this treadmill is located under a ceiling fan. By far the most coveted piece of real estate in any gym.💨🏃‍♂️😓

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Radd Tuffman is coming to ComiXology!🤛👊💪#letsgetdigital

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Ahhh life. It’s all about timing, folks. 👊💥🤖

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Rad Radd fact of the day - Radd once fought off two bears (while blindfolded) as a training exercise!🐻🤛

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Man vs. Robot. Time to kick bolts and take names. 🙂👊

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Radd is suspicious when Mister Me suggests that he wrestle a robot...but it also sounds too fun to pass up! 🤖 👊

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“If you can’t beat ‘em...get a robot to do it for you”. - Mister Me.

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When Mister Me learns of a tv show called WROBOTS (featuring wrestling robots) it gives him an idea. A devious plan that could rid him of Radd forever! 📺 🤖 🤼‍♀️

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Mister Me’s smoothie bartender pours him a tall glass of foreshadowing.

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Rad Radd fact of the day. Despite all his success - Radd is still a great dude. Even his opponents find it hard to dislike him! Well...except for that one guy who REALLY doesn’t like him (but let’s keep it positive today, folks).

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Rad Radd fact of the day. Radd has his own cereal called “Wrestling Rings”. (Side note - why wasn’t that already a thing?)

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