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@ernstblaad s today's auction at 19.00 UTC at the BlaadServer: Carsten Erobique Meyer - Stadtpark Hamburg 2019 by Ernst Blaad. Join in and get the coolest Disco Man alive as BLAAD https://t.co/fKI6Cuc3QF 🚀🚀🚀 #RADR #CNFT #CardanoNFT
So here it is. My first result digital painting with a drawing tablet. Not what I was initially planning, but once you start you have to let the painting start to speak for itself.
My thoughts so far: love the tablet, could use some work on my technique.
"Seven Slashes"
One of my favourite things about cardano is the amazing artists here!
So @AtteridDesteney mentioned In Space with #teameditor and I couldn't resist~😌
#nerdfiction #lixiantv #radr #InSpaceWithMarkiplier #teameditor
@rad_R @LixianTV @yofriendmarcus