Record of Raganarok is a generic af anime/manga, but god damn if these character designs don't slap, expect character designs that are inspired from them

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The Battle of Ragnarok - for the "Odin, Pre-Workout Supplement" marketing campaign

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Two versions of Gautama Buda from Record of Ragnarok.

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Sum screenshots I took frm Original One of my fave anime, vry well written & animated, a definitive classic for sure!
Pix descp in order:

1: Stien's Lab in the City wit the DWMA in background!
2+3: Pics from episode intro (hard frames 2 capture)
4: Raganarok & Chrona

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I've sketched my raganarok characters! yay!

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Marvel have seriously upped their poster game. Bravo.

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So excited for Thor Ragnarok!

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