more of whatever stirs inside spills outside with ink and watercolor..
another bit from my book

3 13

Come, little one, let's find you some place warm.

6 85

Gedelgorf was old and fat, and could barely see two fingers if you held them in front of his face. All that remained from his past glory were the bushy knight mustache and the chain of the jousting champion. His only friend in the small town was Sparrow...

0 24

day 31
Leithe flew through the forest, faster than a doe, her light feet barely touching the ground. She had had to hold back, however as she needed to follow Geathan. The old faithful fox rushed forward in a streak of red lightning, guiding her way.

1 22

day 30
“You cannot hide her from us forever, freiõ,” spat the Grandmaster.
“No, I cannot. But I will forever hide you from her.”
With a guttural growl Raido stepped forth.

1 10

day 29
Incredibly, Raido somehow managed to remain standing, his eyes remaining shut, face lifted towards the grey weeping sky. He let the cold autumn rain wash away the blood of his foes, mixed with his own.

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day 28
In a blur of red and grey fur Geathan rushed through the forest, the remaining links of ancestral armor softly clinking upon his back. The fox was old and scarred, but moved with speed and agility far greater than his age should possibly permit.

1 28

day 26
And for a brief moment not a weary pilgrim stood in the underhall, but a lord, tall, proud and sad, his face alight, his hair like smoke of thousand candles billowing behind his back.

3 20

day 24

Leithe shifted uneasily in her sleep, fever heavy upon her. She shivered under the blanket, the only one they had managed to grab before their flight.

1 22

'I'm awake! Let go of the blanket, silly!'

1 29

..dark smoke rose above his shoulders as a pair of heavy battered wings, more of a burden than a boon. The whole world in front of him was engulfed in mist. Raido took a step forward..

2 17

A rainy day, a cozy room, a good book, a girl and her fox...

From my book...

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