Moon Consort of Indigo Cloud from Books of Raksura

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This is a tweet for the 5 other people in the world who have read the Raksura books and also watched the Wakfu cartoon, but my mental image for Stone is..... literally just Grougaloragran hahaha.

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I don't remember if I ever posted this here, but I was digging through my old art folders and was like. Honestly I still love the arbora-with-fat-gecko-tail concept.

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Moon from The Books of the Raksura by Martha Wells. I finished reading the final book a couple weeks ago and am in a period of mourning

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The Books of the Raksura have just been nominated for for Best Series! Congratulations, ! In honor of the nomination, we've put together a post with everything you need to know about this incredible series—check it out here:

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