画質 高画質

Mysteries, Maidens, and Mysterious Disappearances; Totokami

The beginning of the synopsis got me chuckling ngl. We'll see how it goes with a few eps.

0 4

Witch Concept art / character design. I’m narrowing down which design I’m sticking with for her first comic book appearance. She’s a symbiotic parasitic entity https://t.co/00arVl71Cw

9 46

I am Vanko from France and this is my art👨‍🍳 https://t.co/KyYWb7t4zK

30 294

Happy Easter! I drew the mother-of-all omelette last year. It's a traditional Easter festival in Bessières, France. not from medieval times, however.

I like to gather interesting ideas how ppl celebrates. do you have any fun festival in where you live to share?😊 https://t.co/kqemugy7vT

376 3419

海のトリトンの子供達 124
In human relationships, differences in eating habits can be a major hindrance😅

29 435

🏆BoysLove France Awards 2024でごちそうΩはチュウと鳴く( La souris & le renard )が

Merci beaucoup! https://t.co/v57ax4L7iM

52 565

Today, March 20, Nelly turns older. Since I created her she has undergone few changes in her appearance, but very notable changes in her personality. At the beginning, when Nelly was newly created, she had a more "naughty" mood.

37 205

if you can find this lil guy's first documented appearance, then you've understood the full lore of this thing

0 6


1 33

Cw // spoiler archon quest fontaine

Tehe! Ada yang tau bahasa yang part Furina nyanyi dari mana gak? Apa bahada prancis (pernah baca fontaine ambil culture dari france) sender suka banget sama suara dan lagunya

0 11

im thinking about them so hard right now its not even funny. like francesco and jackson have no reason to talk other than they hate lmq but thats enough for me

32 255

Shadowrun: Dragonfall (the Returns DLC version) came out ten years ago today, which meant the first appearances of best girls Glory and Eiger so I drew something to celebrate. The Director's Cut released in September so I'll probably draw something around then as well.

348 1680

gotta love the fact the artists originally planned on giving him a new design closer to his comics appearance but they just went with the awful TASM design in the end probably by request of sony. god what a character.

0 30


タイトル: SCP-711 - 逆説的な保険証書 原語版タイトル: SCP-711 - Paradoxical Insurance Policy 訳者: 訳者不明 原語版作者: Photosynthetic ソース: https://t.co/uxoLzk3qmf原語版ソース: https://t.co/8LzNlZANFa作成年: 2014 原語版作成年: 2011 ライセンス: CC BY-SA 3.0

71 996

She makes an entrance!
[Cutout Commission for ]

48 424

hachis always excited after public appearances…! nana just wants tew go home when she’s not in the mood LOL

32 281

hachinana 2nd paparazzi appearance

948 6343

Twisted Wonderland - Valentine's Day Gift 2024
-Room Fragrance & Wood Charm Set-
Set ละ 750.-
ปิดรับ 29/2
สินค้าถึงไทย 08/2024
สั่งซื้อ :

16 17