5. Brandie Scout

3 5

now that I'm thinking about Grandiel I still need this Grandiel on a level beyond carnal.

0 3

Je Follow Back toute les personnes qui ont du contenue Dragon Ball !

J'agrandie mon armée 😈

34 307

Cindy Grandiel

She is a fan of horror and scary stories. Cindy grew up surrounded by books and after joining the Violet Mages Guild, she could get to know even more stories. But, in the end, it was the bloody and dark ones that called her attention.

1 12

Kassias Grandiel

He didn’t get along with Kounat’s court sages. Since he is an elf, Grandiel doesn’t age like humans and, because he looked young and held great knowledge, the other sages felt threatened by him. He never really cared about them, knowing he would outlive them all

4 15

Teste de pintura usando o mapa de degrade(grandient map)

0 1

Oh, Brandie?

Yeah she is a psychotic witch but goddamn does she run the science division like a boss

1 2

you know what? scrap that. i will learn grandient maps tomorrow just to apply to this project.

0 0

I’m only 72 followers away from 1k!
Help me get there and I’ll give away this .
Like, RT, and tag a fren.

171 199

Brandie but hes bisexual

9 52


25 183

Hoje é aniversário de Grandiel! Não se esqueça de se conectar para aproveitar um Evento especial~

Você faz aniversário no mesmo dia? Ele é seu user? Comemore com a gente compartilhando um print ou uma memória que você tenha dele aqui nos comentários!

3 21

happy bday awesome elf dad grandiel!!! 🥳🥳

15 33

2022 11 08
그랑디엘 선생님 생일축하해!

15 33

If love was red, then he was color blind.

23 32

im randie / simon, im epileptic (and trans if it wasnt obvious /lh) aaand i do stuff but i mostly draw!!1!1! yeah cant rlly say much else, you gotta figure out on yr own🏀💢❗️⁉️❗️💯❗️💢💯🏀💢🏀💯🏀

2 4

Neither Flora nor Chan were any good at holoball. Both of them put on their paddle gloves and made the best of it. It did, on the other hand, make it easier for them to continue their negotiations. Right now Flora wanted to know the truth about “Brandie”.

1 16