an update! still reading lots! like Secret Wars 1984

which lead me to The Thing, cause (SPOILERS) he stays on Battleworld after the SW. issues

issues 11 and 12 read so far

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slowed down on comics over the past few days because I'm reading Dragons of Autumn Twilight

but also read X-Force 119 and Marvel Spotlight

total: 115

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and a couple more House of M tie in issues

Spider-Man: House of M issue 5
Decimation: House of M - The Day After issue 1

and something completely different
X-Force issues 116 & 117

total: 113

0 0

and finally, yes, yesterday I spent most of my evening just enjoying some comics!

Marvel Zombies Resurrection 1 to 4. Was a fun rebooted version of the MZU

total: 104

0 1

ok. So I finished up the first arc of Black Panther vol 3 with issues 4 & 5. Really good arc!

then back to House of M with
Fantastic Four: House of M and
Iron Man: House of M

total: 97

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and then Hulk (HoM) tie in before holding of House of M and switching to
Black Panther (1998) issues 1 to 3

total: 93

0 0

House of M issue 5
Fantastic Four: House of M issue 2
Iron Man: House of M issue 2
New Thunderbolts (HoM tie in)

total: 89

0 0

last night's comics, more House of M Tue ins, really digging these

Incredible Hulk
The Pulse
Spider-Man: House of M

total: 85

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continuing with House of M tie ins

Iron Man: House of M
Incredible Hulk

total: 82

0 0

oh and Fantastic Four issue 1! for the first time ever
total: 255

1 1

also read
Nick Fury, Agent of SHIELD vol 1 issue 1 and 2
and now onto House of M issues 1 to 4 and some of the tie in series (maybe)

total: 254

0 0

deep breath!
finished Eternals v3 issues 2 to 7
Ultimates 2 issues 1 to 13
Marvel Premiere & 48
Punisher: No Escape

total: 248

0 0

last night I finished Young Avengers v1 !

issue 12
Was a really great series

and then I started on Eternals v3 issue 1
was ok

total: 226

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read Young Avengers 5 thru to 11!

total: 224

0 0

paused on the No Road Home, it's ok, but not - grab you by the shoulders and shake you - great!

SO! started in on Young Avengers (2005)
issues 1 - 4and it IS great!

total: 217

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read all 7 issues of Truth: Red, White & Black

very good series!

total: 213

0 0

continued with Avengers No Road Home issues 4, 5 and 6.

it's ok. But needed a change up, which is great when it comes to the service

total: 206

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and then on to Avengers: No Road Home
issue 1 to 3 (and probably more today too!)

total: 203

0 0

comics read last night!
Spine-tingling Spider-Man this is such a good digi comic!
Amazing Spider-man v5

total: 193

1 1

finished Ulitmates vol 1. issues 9 - 12 Here!

I don't recall reading past issue 9, so , maybe I gave up back when :P

total: 189

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