Random Trek Tuesday - Prophet Motive - DS9
"Rule number two hundred and eighty five. A good deed is its own reward."

Part of the project - https://t.co/32gkJoGB4U

7 47

Random Trek Tuesday - Yesteryear - TAS

SPOCK: One small thing was changed this time. A pet died.
KIRK: A pet? Well, that wouldn't mean much in the course of time.
SPOCK: It might, to some.

Part of the project - https://t.co/8BcXFjLLVL

6 50

Random Trek Tuesday - The Negus - DS9

NOG: Planets in the Bajoran. What’s that word?
JAKE: System.
NOG: System.
JAKE: That was pretty good. Want to try some more?

Part of the project - https://t.co/Fo4TKb7clm

10 85

Random Trek Tuesday - Singularity - Enterprise
"Do you think a cup holder’s too much?"

Part of the project - https://t.co/OTbh5EeQl0

16 97

Random Trek Tuesday - Lessons - TNG
"Now perhaps you can tell me what was so important that it required depriving the Captain of his cup of Earl Grey?"

Part of the project - https://t.co/3bTsVIpaap

4 49

Random Trek Tuesday - Star Trek: First Contact
"Live long and prosper."

Part of the project - https://t.co/52qudSrslw

7 60

Random Trek Tuesday - The Survivor - TAS
"The Vendorian attacks all three of them at once and escapes down the corridor"

Part of the project - https://t.co/qeI6yIBaQT

14 67

Random Trek Tuesday - The Pirates of Orion (TAS)

Kirk faces the Aww-ren-ee-on (Orion) Captain.

Part of the project - https://t.co/rqcO42ZRwL

7 34

Random Trek Tuesday - The Ascent - DS9
"All we have to do is haul this transmitter up to higher ground. More altitude, less atmosphere. Go high enough, and we might be able to get a signal out."

Part of the project -

16 83