RAPACES 🏍️ Aznar le vampire

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nagisa - basarios
"These juvenile Gravios are famous for their rock-hard carapaces. They often borrow underground, mimicking rocks and savaging oblivious miners."

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Yes, Vamp from MGS 2 from
2001. My Scorpion came out a
year before. By the way the
Vamp looks more inspired by
Drago the vampire from my
Rapaces comic that was
published in 1998. But MGS is a cool game.

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RAPACES. Camilla dans un bain de sang🩸 commande aquarelle au Lake Como Comic Art Festival ce dimanche

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RAPACES Drago aquarelle préparatoire pour couverture. EN VENTE

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En Mesopotamie Lamashtu, deesse malefique a tête de lion et serres de rapaces acérées, allaite un cochon et un chien en tenant des serpents, debout sur un âne.
Elle est probablement a l'origine du démon Lilith de la mythologie juive.

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I'm not super familiar with mechanicals but I've designed a fair amount of armors/carapaces, so I'll throw my hat in the ring.

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RAPACES Camilla et Drago EN VENTE, aquarelle dans l‘album. Si vous êtes intéressé, contactez-moi

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Finally, there are some with very multisegmented bodies, which inspired the idea that all Cambrian "bivalved arthropods" were stem-euarthropods. Their position is a bit more controversial, then, but they can have really bizarre carapaces!

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Nuevo poster de fauna: halcones de España y Portugal, nuestras pequeñas rapaces. En España se citan 8 de las 12 especies europeas, todo un ejemplo de biodiversidad, sin embargo, amenazada por la alteración de su hábitat y la desaparición de la agricultura tradicional.

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Roi de la communauté des Carapaces, joueur de guitare et Shinobi à temps partiel, nous montrera comment l'on se sert d'un sabre tout en restant chill, sur un run glitchless de Sekiro, Shura Ending !

Il sera commenté par , son compère des Backseat Boys.

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just peekin in here to post an artfight attack i did for remember if u have carapaces or leprechauns up on artfight Give Them To Me Now

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Le plaisir maintenant c’est de savoir qu’il y a toutes ses pistes, mon obsession pour les images de blaireaux, ma quête des carapaces de tortues ou ma collection de Calomnie d’Apelle, qui pourront un jour accompagner d’autres gens dans des recherches

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Mermay Day 28- Wolf Eel~⁠⁠
Voracious and powerful creatures, Wolf Eels are in fact a species of fish rather than a true eel. Their mighty jaws can easily crush the strong carapaces of crabs and shellfish.⁠⁠

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Rapaces d’après Marini

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- Basarios

There juvenile Gravios are famous for their rock-hard carapaces. They often burrow underground, mimicking rocks and savaging oblivious miners.

Wiki: https://t.co/9V2g3yT4bX

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So I mentioned in a tweet about how wood textured carapaces would be a cool things, but then my buddy came to the idea of making an elder version of the carapaces with this feature, ending up with this elders
I am really proud of what I came up with

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