Second art I made of my character 2319 for a musical project I was part of

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should he have guts wrapped around the endo or is that too much (its still a phantom just more springtrapcore)

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im only posting this here as to not ruin soupscape but these are the top 4 (pleas ignore the first imagepleasepelasepleaseplease im sorry

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Mas poderia dizer também A Thousand Suns do Linkin Park, que foi o primeiro CD que comprei na minha vida. Foi minha introdução em rock alternativo/rapcore.

Ou até mesmo El Camino que me apresentou blues rock e o que posteriormente virou indie rock.

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Artfight 2021 Batch 3/5 (Otherwise known as the pixel art batch)



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Revenge attacks on: Itcama, Demon_cruiser, Mercanaryscrapcore, Raving_Animationz

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I've tapped into LoFi, Trapcore, Drill, Kawaii Trap, & many more genres this year. Let's not sleep on the artistry I've displayed, alright?

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新譜紹介!USA産 Alternative Metal, Electronic, Rapcore、From Ashes to NewのDay One!

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