House of Artifice! Super excited, and got my new shiny toys ready. For more pictures, visit my Instagram, Rapid_Tabletop.

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Train Yard version 2 done. More pictures at my Instagram account Rapid_Tabletop. Not the best pictures, as its night here now.

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Illegal clinic done. More tiles at my instagram acc, Rapid_Tabletop. For those interested in the process of building my tiles. I have some step by step post at my Patreon

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Not sure what this building is, so I’ll let you guys decide. More pictures at my Instagram account as usual Rapid_tabletop.

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Adeptus Ministratum building complete. More pictures at my Instagram Rapid_Tabletop. This one and 2 other pieces are on my backlog I need to complete before building new pieces.

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To tired to do more on this. Calling it done for now. More pictures at my Instagram Rapid_tabletop. Special thanks to who donated parts for this.

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Day 1 of the train yard. The second part I will complete tomorrow. More pictures at my instagram Now for some rest.

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Train is complete. More pictures at my instagram Huge thanks to for supporting me in this project.

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