Don't forget that Ra's is getting new comics!!!

- Batman: One Bad Day: Ra's Al Ghul (one shot) comes out on March 21st

- Batman The Adventure Continues Season Three (sequel of BTAS) comes out on June 13th

Let's hope we get some Ra'sTim interaction 🥰💚

2 11

rastim&brutim………( ᐛ )

6 15


13 80

In meiner Funktion als habe ich just für Euch ein kleines Bild/Wortspiel gemalt. Wenn jemand lösen kann, dann vermutlich der Held der Ei-Wortspiele ! Herzlich willkommen an alle, die neu folgen, Danke an alle, die dabei bleiben … ich freu mich! 🤍

2 18

These are wips
Holy i underastimated this drawing
Its almost done now but holy crap this is hard to arrange and pose them :"))

0 7

I’d like to go dancing

110 304

can be soft what do you mean

102 260

Damn it! I failed.
If only I just did the sketch...
If only I had my display tablet...
If only I had one more day...
Excuses. I'm just stupid and overastimated myself...

That got dark. What I'm saying is that I'll be 1 day late 😣
Sorry everyone, go congratulate her for me too!

2 25

If you have an ElectraStim AXIS, do yourself a huge favour during lockdown and head over to and her Audio Porn section. Works FANTASTICALLY with the line-in audio control features of AXIS.

3 6