1 14

When Oli ran up the stairs screaming BUTLERRRRRRRRRRR after he died in the cage it really spoke to me

2 33

Good evening, mortals of this world! I am Aster Varatolis, the master of magic and supreme cosmic supervillain!

I stream in my spare time when I’m not conquering worlds; mostly D&D, indie games, tabletop content and talk shows!

Feel free to visit my tower any time!

0 6

Hey, I'm cutting it super duper close, but Aster Varatolis here!

I'm a cosmic, world-conquering supervillain of an archmage, who created a city at the edge of the multiverse and forged a sword from the fabric of reality itself.

Wonder how that works out for the tier list, hm?

0 1

Now 🔴 Live!

Today we play Inscryption for the first time! I've heard good things, here's hoping I don't make a fool of myself


1 3


▸ I may never beat this game but I'm sure as hell gonna enjoy all the hotties

⬇ ⬇ ⬇ Link Below! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇

2 7

Però que rebé que s'està a casa, amb manteta, llibre i te!
(Il·lustració de Gitte Spee per a "El primer cas", d'Ulf Nilsson. Per si no la coneixeu, aquesta és la ratolina Pat! 🐭😍

2 51

Well. Here goes nothing.

Do you, Hiiragi Yuu, take me, Aster Varatolis, to be your evilly wedded spouse? To Conspire and Consort with, for victories and for failures, in shadows and in hellfire, to love and to cherish, for as long as we both shall live?

1 15

🎵Jo vaig néixer lluny d'aquí,
a l'illa punteria.
De cent trets, cent dianes!🎶🎶
Ja potser el ull d'un ratoli petit! però al teu cor sempre encerto, toco el blanc!
Ja arriba el gran heroi de l'illa punteria! 🎶🎶
Val més que fugiu!
En soge, soge... En Sogeking soc jo!

0 2

Untuk para tentara yang kini sedang dalam misi berpratoli untuk selamanya. Semoga diterima di sisi-Nya, semoga sanak keluarga diberikan ketabahan.

Terima kasih, tentaraku.

1 2

Artist: stratolicious | Source: https://t.co/o7BT3ecU8H | Derpi link: https://t.co/yHFS6Ld8NB

0 4

Aquí no ha nevat... Però he pintat la casa d’una ratolina que es diu Filomena. 🤷🏻‍♀️

15 53

PL:HO1 でいじ(PC:Michele=Pratolina)
  HO2 ぶるぐ(PC:Dan・Van・Hike)
  HO3 22(PC:Vera₌Lydgate)
  HO4 ヒチリ(PC:Veronica・Maryland)


4 7

Me diverti muito fui péssima

0 8

Il rione di Sanfrediano è "di là d'Arno", è quel grosso mucchio di case tra la riva sinistra del fiume, la Chiesa del Carmine e le pendici di Bellosguardo; dall'alto, simili a contrafforti, lo circondano Palazzo Pitti e i bastioni medicei...
V. Pratolini


27 57

“Cambiar pelle non si può: occorre una volontà riservata a pochi. Solo i santi vi riescono, e qualche volta i poeti. Coloro, cioè, che credono veramente in qualcosa di eterno.”
(Vasco Pratolini)

19 74

Empecé a maquillarme hace poquito y los consejitos de me han ido de perlas. Quería agradecerle todos sus vídeos ya que aparte de enseñarte cosillas te hacen reír. ❤️

Ratolina vaya bien esa mudanza!! ❤️ petonets!!!

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