The series is gorgeous ! I really like the character of Ray Levine . He's a real man! He's so handsome,kind, desperate, fair, honest,passionate,truthful, sincerely loving and desperately looking for his lost love.

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"Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person at all."

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"Manage to fall in love with one so that you can pass by thousands of the best, and not look back."

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"But he never remembered the one he loved, because he never forgot about her."

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“My six word love story: I can’t imagine life without you.”
I really love Ray and Richard Armitage ! And I decided to make art with a cartoon effect ! These arts are for you,

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"You're happiness.A little strange and incomprehensible,leading to madness and a terrible fear of losing you.But you are my happiness"

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"Life is like a piano. White keys are love and happiness. Black — grief and sadness. To hear the real music of life, we must touch both." I made these artworks for

0 3

I really like the series The character is a real man . He is a very handsome,courageous,brave, honest, truthful, reliable friend,sincere,loving man,desperately looking for his lost love!Thank you, dear , for the gorgeous performance.

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"I'll never forget you ,I won't forget you until I die . And I will live for a long ,very long time ,it will be a punishment for me."(Quote by Colin McCullough)

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"One word, one look, the consciousness that he is here, nearby - that's what happiness is." (Quote by Choderlo de Laclo
from the book Dangerous Connections)
Thank you , for the gorgeous performance of the role of Ray

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"When we meet a special person, we give him all our time, he absorbs all our thoughts, and every time we have to lose him"...(Quote by Cecilia Ahern from the book Look at Me) Thank you, for the gorgeous and wonderful Ray Levine.

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"Just to know that somewhere on this earth there is you will become for me,in my hell,a corner of paradise."

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"The most dangerous demons live in our hearts."
Thank you , ,for the masterpiece performance of the role of Ray , for the fact that only you can play so beautifully that the audience necessarily empathizes with your character.

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I made art with famous characters performed by Richard. Thank you ,for the beautifully played characters . (2 part)

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is just great.The character Ray Levine is my favourite!He is very handsome,brave,courageous,desperate,fair,truthful,a real man,desperately looking for his lost love and trying to find answers to his questions.Thank you .

0 4

The series is simply a masterpiece! I really liked the character He's a real man. Strong, brave, intelligent, fair, reliable friend, sincere, honest, truthful, desperately looking for his lost love. Bravo,
, for a masterpiece performance!

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You are happiness. A little strange and incomprehensible, leading to madness and a terrible fear of losing you. But you are my happiness.(c)unknown

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