Arid Lands 🌞 I turned some of my lunchtime drawings into a one page comic of sorts

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Amazing diversity in the forests of Quản Bạ district. Greater diversity in part due to minimal deforestation for cardamom cultivation. It was still creeping in and it might not be long until this area is as degraded as others we have seen

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Back in Hà Giang after a soggy and eventful few days on Tây Côn Lĩnh mountain

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Springtime in the Cactus Department! Parodia horstii from Brazil, flowering in our potted collection

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Pelargoniums are go go go! Pelargonium bowkeri in our research collection

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A little potted Echeveria halbingeri. Native to Mexico where it can be found on sunny cliffs in mountainous Pine-Oak Woodlands. These woodlands are home to more than 5000 species of flowering plants - a quarter of Mexico's flora

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Unnamed Bulbophyllum collected in New Guinea flowering

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South American Myoxanthus punctatus (probably!) single flowers at apex of v distinctive ramicauls

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looks pretty from far away and up close as well!

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Gymnospermium albertii unfurling in the area

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