画質 高画質

monster : "oh god I'm gonna d1e"
me : "time to capture... but, I don't wanna waste a trap/time. Time to wait until they move map!"
me : *waits*
monster : *never moves area*
me : "aw fuck, guess I'll bust the trap earlier then--"
monster : *moves area*

0 2

first part goes here

it's so fuckin bad coz it was my first time using CSP and its feature + I can't draw mechs

so expect it to be reworked in the future... if I had the mental fortitude I guess

I'm so tired and feels like I'm cringe incarnate :(


0 6

Thank you for the nice stre...screams!!

38 241

Just going to put this little additional sneaky preview here...

3 38

N-nothing going on here...🐦‍⬛

5955 54933

She is very precious to me along with chidori (also i like her faces here...i need more)

11 92

Upcoming Comics in the future...
Im still thinking what to do with other characters but for now this just work

15 237

This is my steam pfp btw, if you even care...

3 28

20K followers!!! Thank you!!!
I'm almost there...!
20K 팔로워 감사합니다!!! 24K까지 곧...!

22 208

Met sore....capek dikit ga ngaruh soalnya yg digambar husbu sendiri😩✋ fullnya ada di profil sender btw hehehe mari yg mau bermootss artist!

0 34

I hope it's ok to have some pages like the left one here...Cuz I didn't use CSP for HL1 and 2, everything will look different in those chapters. They are totally about 11 pages.
I hope it's ok😭

36 417

The reason why a certain duke doesn't add lemon in his tea anymore....

393 2103

Pelet dari para morally grey characters emang lebih mempesona ya ges ya... Ada yang berpikiran sama? 🥲👍 Unyah! Semoga kedepannya ada modelan Columbina dan Dottore... Makin gereget kelakuannya, makin mempesona...

5 28

-bllk NAGI NEW HAIRSTYLE.... pls rasanya seperti tidak BERNAFAS..... i Am Dying...... tolong..... sesek nafas.... mual.... muntah..... i cant live like this anymore........ SESAK....... gak bisa napas....... tolongin.... tolong... TOLONG... NAGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

202 954

this is me.. if u even care...

8 199